Serve at Sound Hope
If you would like to sign up to serve, please click the button below and complete the linked form. Completing this form will also log your serving requests with the Serving Coordinator for follow up. Whether you are new or returning to serve, everyone will be guided through the Safer Recruitment process in line with Sound Hope safeguarding policies.
To find out more about serving, please email us:
Join us in serving our church community by getting involved in our Hospitality Ministry. There are various practical areas where you can volunteer on Sundays, such as stewarding, serving refreshments after the service, or being part of our welcoming team. If you have a heart for service and are interested in contributing on Sundays, we would love to have you serve with us.
Children’s Ministry
Join the Children's Ministry at Sound Hope Community Church to help kids learn about Christ. We have groups and activities for ages Toddlers to 5th grade every Sunday. If you enjoy working with children and teaching the Bible, sign up. All volunteers need to pass background checks.
Music Ministry
There are many opportunities for those with a talent and interest in music to use their gifts in service at Sound Hope on Sundays. However, you don’t have to be musically trained to serve! If this is an area you’re interested in, please get in touch.